What is the Website Recorder and How to use it

Clixtell’s website recorder is a FREE feature that records and logs your website visitor’s activity. The recorder captures your website as the users see it on their device. Mouse movements, link clicks, scroll down, form fills and more… are all recorded and analyzed by Clixtell’s algorithms.

Although Clixtell’s Click Fraud Protection algorithms analyze the recordings in search of non-human behavior, fake browsers, bots, scripts, etc. You may use the recordings to gain valuable insights about your website’s user experience. You can see and fix website bugs, display issues with certain devices or browsers, see what makes people bounce off your website, and what they do before they convert. and so much more.

To activate the website recorder please make sure Clixtell’s main tracking script (or WordPress plugin) is active on your website/landing page.

  1. In your Clixtell dashboard click “Web Recorder”
  2. Turn “Record Sessions” to “ON”
  3. You may set the amount of traffic in percentages to be recorded. 100% equals all traffic recorded.

* Please note: Standard subscriptions allow up to 10,000 session recordings. A session is the entire user journey throughout the website and may constitute several pages/recordings.

To view a recording, click the “Play” icon next to the IP in the “Traffic” page.

At this time, recordings cannot be downloaded or otherwise shared.