How to Track Web Conversions

Tracking web conversions is easy with Clixtell. You may monitor any conversion type: page load (i.e. thank you page), a click on an element, a form, and even an online purchase in your eCommerce store. You may assign a value to each conversion and send it over dynamically when the conversion is reported.

Before you start

Please make sure you’ve implemented Clixtell’s main tracking script (or WordPress plugin) prior to installing the conversion codes below.


  1. In your Clixtell dashboard click the Settings Icon (top right) and click “Conversion Settings”.
  2. Click “+ New Web Conversion”.
  3. The conversion code will look like this:


According to your tracking needs, this code can be implemented in several different ways.

Page Load

The following example reports a conversion with no value on page load, notice the script is at the bottom of the page right before the closing of the body tag


Conversion Value

The following example reports a conversion with a value of 100 on page load



The following example reports a conversion on a button click with no value

<button type="submit" onclick="cxc('prdGcQ');" text="Submit Form">