How to Set Proper Security Rules

In order to set proper security rules, click the menu on the left side of the dashboard: “Security Center -> Settings” and proceed to clicking the “Set New Rule” button.
Setting proper click fraud protection rules on your security profile is critical for the monitoring and prevention of click fraud activity in your account.
Based on your security settings, Clixtell will automatically and immediately block any click fraud attempt making your Google Ads campaigns unavailable to the fraudulent source and blocking the ability to click it again.

Clixtell will recommend a set of rules and levels of defense towards the click fraud attempts, according to the targeted industry, a set that can be interchangeable in any part of the process.

When you configure your click fraud security profile it’s important to set rules by different time units of one minute, 24 hours, weekly and bi-monthly. For example, a security profile with a standard defense level will contain 4 rules:
Rule #1: Exclude IP after 2 clicks within 1 minute for 60 days
Rule #2: Exclude IP after 3 clicks within 24 hours for 60 days
Rule #3: Exclude IP after 4 clicks within 7 days for 60 days
Rule #4: Exclude IP after 5 clicks within 60 days for 60 days

Based on those terms, Clixtell will block the IP address effective immediately for 60 days, while preventing any attempt to click on the PPC ads in a case of a violation of terms defined and an attempt to click the paid ad in a rate of twice per minute, 3 clicks in 24 hours, 4 clicks a week and up to 5 clicks in 2 months.
The defense level of the security terms is based on the targeted industry of your choice.
In industries with high-volume competition and a large number of competitors generating constant click fraud attempts, a stronger approach with higher security demands is required. Professionals and industries such as locksmith, law & legal help, plumbing, construction and transportation are a prime example. The click fraud protection needed within those industries is extremely high due to the nature of the competition. The security terms will be designed to block fraudulent sources after 2 clicks for 2 months or even an immediate block after one click attempt only. This defense term will be defined as: Exclude IP after 1 click within 1 minute for 60 days.

Please note: After configuring the defense terms, make sure your Automatic IP Blocking button is activated so you can execute and block invalid clicks activity attempts automatically based on the terms defined.
Aside from the manual defense the terms provide, Clixtell is constantly analyzing data through our unique algorithm in order to determine who is a legitimate, potential consumer we want to address and who clicks on the Google Ads campaigns to create intentional damage and irrelevant spending.
Clixtell will not only block the fraudulent click attempts but also block the option of clicking on the Google Ads campaigns again by creating new searches.